Contact Us
At Unitata, we always strive to fulfill our customers’ individual needs. Send us your inquiry by contacting our officers at their direct e-mail address, or by filling in the contact formular below.
Mr. Allan Loh Teik Boon
Manager, Commerce
Marketing Department
E-mail: allanloh@unitata.com
Mr. Dhillon Jugdev Singh
Group Production Manager
E-mail: jsd@unitata.com
Ir. P. Rajasegaran
Director of Engineering(Downstream)
E-mail: pr@unitata.com
Unitata Berhad
Jendarata Estate
36009 Teluk Intan
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: +605-6411511
Fax: +605-6411760

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Unitata Berhad (10769-H) - Jendarata Estate - 36009 Teluk Intan Perak Darul Ridzuan - Malaysia.
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