We at Unitata Berhad are committed to the protection and advancement of human rights wherever we operate. Our human rights policy is based on our core values on Safety and Health, Environmental Stewardship and Respect for People.
We conduct our business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of people and local communities, complying with all legal requirements.
We ensure all personnel are treated fairly and protected from any form of discrimination that would constitute a violation of their human rights.
We ensure equal opportunities provided to all personnel. The process of recruitment, promotion and remuneration are solely based on individual qualification and performance regardless of religion, race, age, gender, nationality or physical disability.
We respect the rights of all personnel to form, join and participate in registered trade unions and to bargain collectively.
We respect the rights of people in communities impacted by our activities. We will seek to identify adverse social and environmental impacts through their respective assessments and take appropriate steps to avoid, minimize and/or mitigate them.
We resolve all complaints and grievances through an open, transparent and consultative process.
We will not tolerate the use of child or forced labour, slavery or human trafficking in any of our plantations and facilities. We are using the definition from United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which define ‘child’ as anyone who is less than 18 years old.
We will strive to commit our employees, contractors, suppliers, trading partners and stakeholders to adhere to this policy.
Dato’ Carl Bek-Nielsen
Director In-Charge
Date: 15th April 2018
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