For baked goods, confectionery and food service
Unitata produces a wide range of tailor-made speciality fats and oils. Our comprehensive range of high quality and sustainable fat solutions can be used in a variety of applications in the bakery, confectionery and food service industries:
- Shortenings
- Cocoa butter substitutes
- Filling fats
- Coating fats
- Ice-cream fats
- Milk fat replacers
- Oils for non-dairy creamer
- Oils for frying
- Oils for margarine production
- Spread fats- Low or non-trans fats

Unitata Berhad (10769-H) - Jendarata Estate - 36009 Teluk Intan Perak Darul Ridzuan - Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Unitata is a registered trademark and part of UP - United Plantations Berhad. Terms condition, features, availability and general are subject to change without notice.