We at Unitata are committed to high standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct. As part of our sustainability requirements, we have adopted the Grievance Procedure for handling grievances in an effective, timely, and appropriate manner.
This procedure is given to internal and external stakeholders to address all enquiries and grievances and further enhance the transparency and accountability of our supply chain. Unitata shall deal with all grievances lodged under this procedure in a fair and timely manner. The stakeholders may lodge their enquiries and grievances to the Company Secretary as follows:-
The Company Secretary
Unitata Berhad Jendarata Estate, 36009 Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia.
Tel: +605-6411511
Fax: +605-6411760
Email: cm@unitedplantations.com; info@unitata.com
Grievances shall be handled based on Grievance Redressal Procedure as follows:
Internal Stakeholders
Step One
If the employee fails to obtain satisfaction from his immediate superior within three (3) working days, he may refer his grievance in writing to the Assistant Plant Manager or Shift Superintendent within a further period of five (5) working days. At this stage he may, if he so, wishes, be accompanied by a representative of the Union, within his branch.
Step Two
If the employee fails to obtain satisfaction within five (5), working days of invoking step one, he may refer his grievance in writing either direct or through the Union as he wishes, to the Plant Manager or Departmental Head within a further period of five (5) working days.
Step Three
If the employee still fails to obtain satisfaction within five (5), working days of invoking step two, he may refer his grievance in writing, either direct or through the Union as he wishes, to the Company Secretary with a further period of five (5) working days.
Step Four
If the employee still fails to obtain satisfaction within 10 working days of invoking step three, the grievance may, if the employee so wishes, be referred through the Union to the Ministry of Labour for conciliation within a further period of 10 working days.
Step Five
If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome of step four; the matter may be dealt with in accordance with Section 26 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967.
External Stakeholders
Step 1
Grievance from external stakeholders received by Manager/Heads of Department/Company Secretary.
Step 2
Grievance formally recorded at point of receipt and settled as soon as possible but not more than 30 days.
Step 3
If the matter remains unsettled at department level, the respective Manager/Heads of Department forwards to the Company Secretary with supporting documentation.
Step 4
Grievance acknowledged by letter within 7 working days to stakeholders and Manager/Heads of Department from the Company Secretary.
Step 5
Grievance presented to the parent company, United Plantations Berhad Executive Committee and reviewed at its meeting.
Step 6
Action to be taken is recorded and stakeholder informed.
Step 7
In protracted cases the stakeholder is to be kept informed monthly of the current status.
Step 8
Progress reviewed by United Plantations Berhad Executive Committee until resolution.
Step 9
The outcome of the resolution is documented and the stakeholder informed officially by the Company Secretary.
Step 10
Should the outcome not be resolved to mutual satisfaction of the stakeholder and Unitata, it shall then be dealt under the provisions of the Malaysian legal appeals procedure and stakeholder informed accordingly.
Date: 6th September 2023
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